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Achtergrond informatie Inspiratie Event

Wetenschappelijke studies bevestigen steeds vaker dat energie een krachtig middel is om het zelfgenezend vermogen van het lichaam te activeren en ons welzijn te verbeteren. Tijdens het Inspiratie Event maken we gebruik van deze technieken om je fysieke, emotionele en mentale balans te herstellen. Deze methoden zijn onderbouwd door een reeks fascinerende onderzoeken, die we hieronder toelichten.

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Wat leuk dat je geintresseerd bent in meer informatie over het Inspiratie Event.

Tijdens de events reiken we je een sleutel aan om het onzichtbare waar te nemen. De sleuteltechniek helpt je om de oorzaak van je klachten in beeld te krijgen of wijzigingen aan te brengen in je energie!

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Wat gebeurt er tijdens het Inspiratie Event

Het Inspiratie Event biedt een diepgaande en transformerende ervaring die verder gaat dan een gewone bijeenkomst. Het event is ontworpen om je te helpen los te breken uit oude patronen, balans te vinden en verbinding te maken met je innerlijke kracht. Tijdens het event maak je gebruik van verschillende technieken en oefeningen om je energie te activeren, blokkades los te laten en je bewustzijn te vergroten.

Een Reis naar Inzicht en Heling

Tijdens het Event krijg je inzichten in je patronen en leer je hoe je deze kunt loslaten. Je ervaart hoe je kunt voelen waar energie vastzit en hoe je deze in beweging kunt zetten. Aan de hand van praktische oefeningen, meditatie en humor ontdek je hoe je een diepere verbinding met jezelf ervaart.

Werken met Thema's en Patronen

Een belangrijk onderdeel van het Inspiratie Event is het werken met thema's die je in je dagelijks leven uitdagen. Of het nu gaat om angst, stress, onzekerheid, of oude trauma’s – je wordt begeleid om deze thema's te onderzoeken en te begrijpen waar ze vandaan komen. Door gerichte oefeningen leer je hoe je beperkende overtuigingen kunt doorbreken en je innerlijke kracht kunt hervinden. Je krijgt handvatten aangereikt om patronen op verschillende niveaus (mentaal, emotioneel, fysiek en spiritueel) te doorbreken.

Praktische Oefeningen voor Dagelijks Gebruik

Het Inspiratie Event is niet alleen een moment van heling, maar ook een bron van praktische kennis. Je kunt vragen stellen en in gesprek gaan met Tessa. Je leert technieken die je direct kunt toepassen in je dagelijkse leven. Deze oefeningen helpen je om de veranderingen die je tijdens het event ervaart vast te houden en te integreren in je dagelijkse routine.

Groei in Verbinding en Zelfliefde

Gedurende het event word je uitgenodigd om verbinding te maken met je eigen energie en met anderen. Dit gebeurt op een veilige en ondersteunende manier, zodat je je gezien en gehoord voelt. Je werkt niet alleen aan persoonlijke groei, maar versterkt ook je vermogen om vanuit liefde en compassie naar jezelf te kijken. Deze ervaring helpt je om oude patronen los te laten en plaats te maken voor nieuwe, positieve energie in je leven.

Kortom, het Inspiratie Event helpt je om te ont-wikkelen en te groeien naar een hogere versie van jezelf. Het biedt je de tools en inzichten om diepgaande veranderingen in je leven te creëren en je innerlijke kracht te activeren.

Inzichten over Energie

Energie is informatie!

We hebben allemaal wel eens dat we aan iemand denken en net op dat moment gaat de telefoon. Of je komt een kamer binnen en je voelt een sfeer? Wat is dat? Overgevoeligheid? Of lees je op een andere manier informatie?

 Het is allemaal informatieoverdracht. En informatie is energie.

Onze emoties en gedachten zijn energie in beweging. Ons lichaam genereert energie en zet deze ook in beweging.  

We zijn continue in uitwisseling met elkaar.

Onderzoek wijst uit dat wij niet alleen onze hersengolven op elkaar afstemmen, we resoneren energetisch met elkaar.


Radiogolven, de informatie van het internet gaat door een kabel. Via allerlei codes zien we beeld en geluid. Onze hersenen werken hetzelfde. We ontvangen en zenden continue informatie... En als dat goed gaat is er balans.

Gaat dat minder goed is er disbalans of zelfs een blokkade. En een blokkade geeft klachten.

Wij kunnen energie uitwisseling bewust  gebruiken om onszelf en anderen te helpen. Door onszelf af te stemmen.  Door te kijken waar de energie vastloopt en wat de oorzaak is kun je de energie in beweging brengen waardoor patronen en ook klachten verdwijnen!

Energieoverdracht bestaat. Als paragnost kan ik informatie voelen en zien over jou.

Energie is voelbaar en zichtbaar te maken!

Energie is voelbaar. Het is als een tinteling die door je heen gaat. Een trilling. Het kan je een warm of koud gevoel geven afhankelijk van wat je nodig hebt. Het is helpend en helend. En ondersteunt je in je proces. Door de sleuteltechniek wordt zichtbaar waar de energie stokt.

Energie wil stromen

Wanneer energie niet kan stromen vormt het een blokkade. Dit kan klachten geven. Om klachten te voorkomen is het belangrijk dat energie stroomt! Ieder mens heeft het vermogen om energie te ontvangen en te sturen. Alleen de een heeft er meer aanleg voor dan de ander.


Veel mensen ervaren stress in hun leven. Hun relaties zijn stressvol, het werk, familiecontacten, oordelen van anderen spelen hen parten of ze voelen zich onzeker, angstig of hebben last van hun negatieve gedachten. Vaak is er ook invloed vanuit het familiesysteem welke zorgt voor klachten. Wanneer mensen te veel stress ervaren kan hun energie vast gaan zitten er ontstaan dan klachten zoals: gewrichtsklachten, buikklachten, allergieën, angsten etc.


We staan in ons leven allemaal in energievelden en hoe deze energievelden ons beïnvloeden daarvan zijn we ons vaak niet bewust. Tijdens een energie event maken we contact en versterken wij jou. 

We nodigen je uit op jouw eigen plek te gaan staan in je leven en daarbij je eigen kracht te voelen en te voeden!

Pain relief

Little children give automatically

This article describes how small children help others selflessly! They gave their food to others even if they themselves received less or later food as a result. Altruistic behavior involves providing valuable benefits to others at a personal cost. A typical human form of altruistic behavior is handing nutritious food to needy strangers, even when someone desires that food. It is costly to engage in altruistic food transfers, rather than preserving the food, because it reduces the caloric intake of the benefactor relative to the beneficiary. Adult humans exhibit this form of altruistic behavior in times of war and famine, when giving food to others threatens their own survival. Our closest living primate relatives, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus), show notable limitations in their propensity to engage in such food transfer (particularly chimpanzees), although they share many social-cognitive similarities with humans . Here we show that in a nonverbal test, 19-month-old human infants repeatedly and spontaneously transferred high-quality, nutritious natural food to a stranger (Experiment 1) and, more critically, did so after an experimental manipulation that imposed a feeding delay (Experiment 1 ). Experiment 2), which increased their own motivation to eat the food. Social experience variables moderated the expression of this altruistic behavior in children, indicating malleability.

Helping children altruistic or not

Margarita Svetlova & Sara R nicols, Celia A Brownel

This research attempts to map how children's prosocial behavior changes during childhood.

Helping children altruistic or not

Margarita Svetlova & Sara R nicols, Celia A Brownel

This research attempts to map how children's prosocial behavior changes during childhood.

Little children give automatically

This article describes how small children help others selflessly! They gave their food to others even if they themselves received less or later food as a result. Altruistic behavior involves providing valuable benefits to others at a personal cost. A typical human form of altruistic behavior is handing nutritious food to needy strangers, even when someone desires that food. It is costly to engage in altruistic food transfers, rather than preserving the food, because it reduces the caloric intake of the benefactor relative to the beneficiary. Adult humans exhibit this form of altruistic behavior in times of war and famine, when giving food to others threatens their own survival. Our closest living primate relatives, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus), show notable limitations in their propensity to engage in such food transfer (particularly chimpanzees), although they share many social-cognitive similarities with humans . Here we show that in a nonverbal test, 19-month-old human infants repeatedly and spontaneously transferred high-quality, nutritious natural food to a stranger (Experiment 1) and, more critically, did so after an experimental manipulation that imposed a feeding delay (Experiment 1 ). Experiment 2), which increased their own motivation to eat the food. Social experience variables moderated the expression of this altruistic behavior in children, indicating malleability.

Helping children altruistic or not

Margarita Svetlova & Sara R nicols, Celia A Brownel

This research attempts to map how children's prosocial behavior changes during childhood.

Helping children altruistic or not

Margarita Svetlova & Sara R nicols, Celia A Brownel

This research attempts to map how children's prosocial behavior changes during childhood.

Little children give automatically

This article describes how small children help others selflessly! They gave their food to others even if they themselves received less or later food as a result. Altruistic behavior involves providing valuable benefits to others at a personal cost. A typical human form of altruistic behavior is handing nutritious food to needy strangers, even when someone desires that food. It is costly to engage in altruistic food transfers, rather than preserving the food, because it reduces the caloric intake of the benefactor relative to the beneficiary. Adult humans exhibit this form of altruistic behavior in times of war and famine, when giving food to others threatens their own survival. Our closest living primate relatives, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus), show notable limitations in their propensity to engage in such food transfer (particularly chimpanzees), although they share many social-cognitive similarities with humans . Here we show that in a nonverbal test, 19-month-old human infants repeatedly and spontaneously transferred high-quality, nutritious natural food to a stranger (Experiment 1) and, more critically, did so after an experimental manipulation that imposed a feeding delay (Experiment 1 ). Experiment 2), which increased their own motivation to eat the food. Social experience variables moderated the expression of this altruistic behavior in children, indicating malleability.

Helping children altruistic or not

Margarita Svetlova & Sara R nicols, Celia A Brownel

This research attempts to map how children's prosocial behavior changes during childhood.

Helping children altruistic or not

Margarita Svetlova & Sara R nicols, Celia A Brownel

This research attempts to map how children's prosocial behavior changes during childhood.

Little children give automatically

This article describes how small children help others selflessly! They gave their food to others even if they themselves received less or later food as a result. Altruistic behavior involves providing valuable benefits to others at a personal cost. A typical human form of altruistic behavior is handing nutritious food to needy strangers, even when someone desires that food. It is costly to engage in altruistic food transfers, rather than preserving the food, because it reduces the caloric intake of the benefactor relative to the beneficiary. Adult humans exhibit this form of altruistic behavior in times of war and famine, when giving food to others threatens their own survival. Our closest living primate relatives, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus), show notable limitations in their propensity to engage in such food transfer (particularly chimpanzees), although they share many social-cognitive similarities with humans . Here we show that in a nonverbal test, 19-month-old human infants repeatedly and spontaneously transferred high-quality, nutritious natural food to a stranger (Experiment 1) and, more critically, did so after an experimental manipulation that imposed a feeding delay (Experiment 1 ). Experiment 2), which increased their own motivation to eat the food. Social experience variables moderated the expression of this altruistic behavior in children, indicating malleability.

Helping children altruistic or not

Margarita Svetlova & Sara R nicols, Celia A Brownel

This research attempts to map how children's prosocial behavior changes during childhood.

Helping children altruistic or not

Science: humans influence devices

Laying on of hands cures cancer in mice

W. Bengston & David Krinsley

This study showed that mice can be cured by laying on of hands. After healing, they also turned out to be immune to cancer! After witnessing numerous cases of cancer remission with a healer who used "laying on of hands" in New York, one of us (W.B.) "learned" techniques that are said to reproduce the healing effect. We obtained five experimental mice with mammary adenocarcinoma (code: H2712; host strain: C3H/HeJ; strain of origin: C3H/HeHu), which had a predicted strain with 100% fatality between 14 and 27 days after injection. Bengston treated these mice for 1 hour per day for 1 month. The tumors developed a 'blackened area' after which they ulcerated, imploded and closed, along with the mice living their normal lifespan. Control mice sent to another city died within the predicted time frame. Three replications using skeptical volunteers (including D.K.) and laboratories at Queens College and St. Joseph's College produced an overall cure rate of 87.9% in 33 experimental mice. An extra informal. A test by Krinsley at Arizona State resulted in the same patterns. Histological studies indicated viable cancer cells in all stages of remission. Reinjections of cancer into the mice in remission in Arizona and New York did not take effect, indicating a stimulated immunological response to the treatment. Their preliminary conclusions: Belief in the laying on of hands is not necessary to produce the effect; there is a stimulated immune response to the treatment, which is reproducible and predictable; and the mice retain immunity to cancer after remission. Future work should include testing for various diseases and conventional immunological research on the effects of treatments on laboratory animals.

Directions to healing

Bill Bengston

This article describes how Bengston managed to cure mice of deadly cancer.

Healing water

W. Bengston & Margaret Nies

Water treated with healing intent provides demonstrable improvement in symptoms for COVID patients. One hundred and sixty patients were randomly assigned to either a treatment or a control group. Both groups were blindly administered sublingual drops of water for one week. The two water formulations are administered sublingually. The treatment group passed through a physical device designed to record and reproduce the healing phenomenon. The control group received sublingual drops of untreated water. During the period, multiple Covid symptoms were measured daily for a week. In addition, several PCR tests were taken. The patients who have the informed water were blindly assessed as having significant improvements on a range of symptoms, and those patients also reported higher levels of general health and fewer positive PCR results. The data from this experiment strongly suggests that 1)water is a good medium for healing healing; 2) the therapeutically prepared in shaped water can be replicated by a physical device and is therefore scalable; 3) mass produced water can have a strong therapeutic effect on Covid; 4) there are no negative ones side effects.

Energized water study

W. Bengston & David Krinsley

Effects of taking energized water. Report describes effects of taking energized water. Results like tumors that shrink or disappear completely, arthritis that is 98% gone, emotional concerns that are resolved. Even the very few who occasionally reported side effects at weeks 4 and 6 accompanied that assessment with dramatic symptomatic relief, and they themselves wondered whether the observed increase in fatigue or pain could be positive in the long term. At the same time, there were two who consistently reported no meaningful change, and thought they might have been given a placebo (they weren't). It is very likely that taking the drops has done a lot of good, plus the drops are safe. An interesting observation is the number of participants who wanted to continue after 8 weeks and wanted to know how they could get more drops.

Healing with intention using tools

William Bengston, Paul Cizdziel, Akane Tanaka, and Hiroshi Matsuda

Exploring the scalability of healing tools. Previous research on “healing with intention” has reasonably demonstrated the validity of the phenomenon, at least in humans healer is present and involved. However, for healing to be incorporated into more conventional therapies, this must be possible be made scalable. The current study tests the effects of a scalable registration of the Bengston Healing Method on 3 cancer models. BalbC mice engrafted with 4T1 breast cancer cells, C57BL mice with melanoma B16 cells, and C3H mice with bladder MBT-2 wells were exposed to a recording of the healing intention for 4 hours/day for approximately 1 month. In the breast cancer model there was significant tumor suppression and a reduction in the anemia marker HCT in treated versus control mice. In the melanoma model, there were no significant differences except for a reduction in platelet counts in the treated mice. For unknown For these reasons, tumor growth never became apparent in the bladder cancer model. Although the effects of the recording appear to vary from piece to piece Exploring the scalability of healing intention and tools. Effectiveness model, there seems to be reason to pursue scalable administration systems in multiple models and with multiple doses.

Energy shipment seems to be a direct response to a need

W. Bengston

This research shows that energy healing is a biological mechanism, a response to a need, rather than an effect of spiritual connection. It could be a basis for removing the 'fuzziness' surrounding energy healing. It seems like a normal response, which may perhaps remove the spiritual 'picture' surrounding it. It is a 'normal reaction of someone to the 'distress' of another.

Magnetic fields during energy healing

W. Bengston

A few studies have reported changes in the magnetic field during bioenergy healing. During healing by laying on of hands and healing at a distance, changes in these fields can be measured. In a pilot experiment, Bengston examined the activity of the magnetic field during hands-on healing and remote healing of mice with experimentally induced tumors. During healing sessions we observed a clear magnetic field oscillations next to the mouse cages, which were similar in appearance to those reported by Zimmerman (1985). The magnetic field oscillations began as oscillations of 20–30 Hz, slowing to 8–9 Hz, then to less than 1 Hz, at at which point the oscillations reversed and increased in frequency, with an overall symmetrical appearance resembling a 'chirp wave'. The waves reached from 1–8 milliGauss peak-to-peak in strength and 60–120 sec in duration. Evidence to date suggests that bioenergy healing may be detectable with DC gaussmeters, although we have not ruled out an artifactual basis for the oscillations reported here.

Resonant water study

Bill Bengston, Margaret Nies, Ted den Ouden, Coen van Veenendaal

This study is the third in a series of clinical social experiments designed to investigate the feasibility of transitioning “healing by intention” from the historically dominant one-to-one delivery method to one that potentially provides a scalable method for greater distribution. One-on-one administration usually involves one healer and a single healed. While there is currently plenty of data showing healing effectiveness of individual healers. The simple reality is that the number of people who need or desire healing far exceeds the number of healers who can provide healing services. If healing through intention can ever become widely available to all who need it, then the development of a reliable and scalable delivery system is necessary. Central to this quest is the development of a technology that can 'store' healing and administer it on demand.

Healing cotton and water

Bill Bengston, Margaret Nies, Ted den Ouden, Coen van Veenendaal

Cotton and water charged with a healing intention both appear to be significantly effective in healing mice with cancer. Energy healing, or healing with intention, is a complementary and alternative medicine that is said to be beneficial to a wide audience variety of circumstances. We are developing a delivery technology for a method previously tested in mouse models of solid tumors (the Bengston method) regardless of the presence of a healer. The purpose of this study was to assess whether stored or recorded energy impacts breast cancer cells in vitro, using energy-charged cotton and electromagnetic recording of healers practicing the method. Expression of genes involved in cancer and inflammatory pathways was measured by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Treatment of cells using energy-charged cotton resulted in statistical results significant changes 1.5-fold change compared to the control, and 68 genes showed statistically significant fold changes. Two genes, ATP citrate lyase (ACLY) and interleukin 1b (IL-1b), were consistently downregulated after 4 and 24 hours of shot exposure, respectively, in 3 independent experiments. Both ACLY and IL-1b were also downregulated in cells exposed to practical delivery of the method. suggesting that these 2 genes are potential markers of healing mode

Healing cotton and water

Bill Bengston, Margaret Nies, Ted den Ouden, Coen van Veenendaal

Cotton and water charged with a healing intention both appear to be significantly effective in healing mice with cancer. Energy healing, or healing with intention, is a complementary and alternative medicine that is said to be beneficial to a wide audience variety of circumstances. We are developing a delivery technology for a method previously tested in mouse models of solid tumors (the Bengston method) regardless of the presence of a healer. The purpose of this study was to assess whether stored or recorded energy impacts breast cancer cells in vitro, using energy-charged cotton and electromagnetic recording of healers practicing the method. Expression of genes involved in cancer and inflammatory pathways was measured by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Treatment of cells using energy-charged cotton resulted in statistical results significant changes 1.5-fold change compared to the control, and 68 genes showed statistically significant fold changes. Two genes, ATP citrate lyase (ACLY) and interleukin 1b (IL-1b), were consistently downregulated after 4 and 24 hours of shot exposure, respectively, in 3 independent experiments. Both ACLY and IL-1b were also downregulated in cells exposed to practical delivery of the method. suggesting that these 2 genes are potential markers of healing mode

Healing cotton and water

Bill Bengston, Margaret Nies, Ted den Ouden, Coen van Veenendaal

Cotton and water charged with a healing intention both appear to be significantly effective in healing mice with cancer. Energy healing, or healing with intention, is a complementary and alternative medicine that is said to be beneficial to a wide audience variety of circumstances. We are developing a delivery technology for a method previously tested in mouse models of solid tumors (the Bengston method) regardless of the presence of a healer. The purpose of this study was to assess whether stored or recorded energy impacts breast cancer cells in vitro, using energy-charged cotton and electromagnetic recording of healers practicing the method. Expression of genes involved in cancer and inflammatory pathways was measured by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Treatment of cells using energy-charged cotton resulted in statistical results significant changes 1.5-fold change compared to the control, and 68 genes showed statistically significant fold changes. Two genes, ATP citrate lyase (ACLY) and interleukin 1b (IL-1b), were consistently downregulated after 4 and 24 hours of shot exposure, respectively, in 3 independent experiments. Both ACLY and IL-1b were also downregulated in cells exposed to practical delivery of the method. suggesting that these 2 genes are potential markers of healing mode

Healing cotton and water

Bill Bengston, Margaret Nies, Ted den Ouden, Coen van Veenendaal

Cotton and water charged with a healing intention both appear to be significantly effective in healing mice with cancer. Energy healing, or healing with intention, is a complementary and alternative medicine that is said to be beneficial to a wide audience variety of circumstances. We are developing a delivery technology for a method previously tested in mouse models of solid tumors (the Bengston method) regardless of the presence of a healer. The purpose of this study was to assess whether stored or recorded energy impacts breast cancer cells in vitro, using energy-charged cotton and electromagnetic recording of healers practicing the method. Expression of genes involved in cancer and inflammatory pathways was measured by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Treatment of cells using energy-charged cotton resulted in statistical results significant changes 1.5-fold change compared to the control, and 68 genes showed statistically significant fold changes. Two genes, ATP citrate lyase (ACLY) and interleukin 1b (IL-1b), were consistently downregulated after 4 and 24 hours of shot exposure, respectively, in 3 independent experiments. Both ACLY and IL-1b were also downregulated in cells exposed to practical delivery of the method. suggesting that these 2 genes are potential markers of healing mode

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